Feb 11, 2011

Homemade Laundry Soap

Making laundry soap is something I've wanted to do for quite some time.  It is economical and produces less consumer waste.  No more buying big plastic containers of laundry detergent anymore!  My 3 year old had fun helping me mix up the soap.   I tested the soap in cold water.  Keeping my fingers crossed, just in case, I pulled each piece of clothing out of the washer for inspection.  The results were spectacular!  I’m sure you are thinking there is no way this is better than store bought detergent.  I thought this also when I first read about it.  The more I read about using homemade laundry soap on blogs and reading all of the comments others had on this subject made me wonder if it would be comparable to mine.  I am happy to say it is!  My clothes all came out perfectly clean.  Want to make your own?  Here is how.

~ Supplies ~
1 Bar of soap (I used Fels Naptha Soap, but you could use Ivory)
1 Cup of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 Cup of Borax
Food processor (optional)
Container to storage soap in

Grate the bar of soap.  If you are not planning on using a food processor to mix this all together then grate the soap as fine as you can.  Be careful, don't cut any fingers.

Add the grated soap, 1 cup of washing soda and 1 cup borax to your food processor. 

The soap will not get as fine as the washing soda or borax.  That's okay.  It should look something like this.

Put your soap in a container that will seal tight.  I put mine in a quart mason jar.  Well, my son did it for me :-)

That's it.  Super easy to make!  Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.  I am always washing full loads, so I use 2T. Sprinkle the soap into the water as it is filling up, then put in your clothes.

Let me know if you make it.  I would love to know :-)
P.S - Another laundry tip, which I've been using for a few years now, use white vinegar as a fabric softener.  I noticed a few years ago that my clothes were always making me a bit itchy so I stopped using fabric softener and started using vinegar.  The vinegar does a fantastic job breaking down any remaining soap during the rinse cycle.  I believe that is what was causing my itchiness, soap residue on my clothes.  And no your clothes will not smell like vinegar.  Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and disinfectant.  I have been using vinegar to clean for years.

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